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Evrnu’s Ancient Forest
Friendly Sourcing Policy

Effective: 9.1.23

Evrnu’s Ancient Forest Friendly Sourcing Policy

At Evrnu, we take raw materials and transform discarded textiles into beautiful fibers that make companies feel optimistic about the challenges ahead. The global textile and apparel industry relies on a vulnerable, resource-intensive supply chain. Evrnu creates a fabric solution that does not use ancient and endangered forest resources to make cellulosic fabrics. Instead, the company is committed to playing a leadership role in the textile sector and will support supply chain solutions that promote the protection of endangered forests and responsible environmental practices in manufacturing.


Demonstrate Corporate Leadership

Evrnu recognizes that business leadership and long-term success must consider the environment. Consequently, Evrnu is dedicated to mitigating its impacts on the world's forest ecosystems, species, and climate, while building environmental awareness among customers, employees, suppliers, and peers.


Conserve Ancient and Endangered Forests and Ecosystems

Evrnu provides a clear solution to avoid sourcing from the world’s ancient and endangered forests – recycled textiles. By providing a recycled textile input to man-made cellulosic fabrics and other fabric types, we are building a marketplace that can support the protection of the world’s remaining ancient and endangered [i] forests including the Canadian and Russian Boreal Forests; Coastal Temperate Rainforests; tropical forests and peat lands of Indonesia, the Amazon and West Africa, and the protection of biodiversity and ecosystems contained within these forests. Currently Canada, Brazil and Indonesia are the largest exporters of dissolving pulp for viscose globally.


Advance Innovation and Development

Evrnu is producing new fiber from post-consumer or post-industrial materials. This provides our customers with a guarantee that we are not sourcing from controversial sources sometimes associated with wood including: illegal loggin, [ii] contravention of First Nations/indigenous peoples’ rights, or endangered species habitat. Evrnu remains open to exploring the application of our technology for development of pulps made with other low-impact resources, like agricultural residues [iii] and other non-wood fibers.


Reduce our Carbon Footprint

Evrnu aims to reduce our greenhouse gas emissions and where possible will play a role in mitigating climate change by participating in initiatives that reduce the loss of carbon-rich forests (e.g., ancient old growth temperate rainforests and forests growing on peat lands) and by encouraging the development of fabrics made with recycled fibers.


Pollution Prevention

Pulp production is a resource-intensive process that can lead to air and water emissions that impact overall environmental quality. Evrnu will strive to use best practices with our fiber production, monitor and reduce overall emissions, adopt the latest closed-loop processing technologies and practices to minimize air and water pollution and encourage our supply chain partners to do the same.


Paper and Packaging

Recognizing that avoiding impacts to the world’s forests is also tied to our own use of paper and packaging, Evrnu is committed to improved efficiency in paper use in our own operations and reduce waste. In line with our commitment to recycled products, Evrnu will only source 100% post recycled content paper and packaging products. [iv]


Advance Joint Conservation Solutions

Evrnu supports the development and successful implementation of visionary agreements and innovative conservation-business solutions in key forest areas, such as the Canadian Boreal Forest, [v] Coastal Temperate Rainforests [vi] and Indonesia. We will work with Canopy to identify opportunities to support existing agreements and further new initiatives that seek to protect the world’s remaining ancient and endangered forests.


Promote Industry Leadership

Evrnu recognizes the benefit of creating environmental awareness amongst our team, customers, and partners. We will work to highlight our environmental efforts on our website, in public communications and social media, and in partnership with stakeholders. As the issue of ancient and endangered forest fibre in cellulosic fabrics gains increasing awareness among global clothing brands, high profile designers and producers, Evrnu will work with suppliers, Canopy and brands that are part of the CanopyStyle initiative to support the protection of ancient and endangered forests and forward solutions to reduce demand on our forests.


Strong Forest Management Standards

Evrnu fully supports responsible forest management practices that protect biodiversity and ecosystem integrity, provide long-term social and economic benefits to communities, and facilitate a stable, sustainable supply chain and climate of operational certainty. If virgin forest fiber is used for any product that we are associated with, Evrnu prefers fiber certified to the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) standard.


Recognize, Respect and Uphold Human Rights and the Rights of Communities

Evrnu respects the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, and acknowledges indigenous and rural communities legal, customary or user rights to their territories, land, and resources. We request that our supply chain partners acknowledge the right of Indigenous People and rural communities to give or withhold their Free, Prior and Informed Consent (FPIC) before new logging rights are allocated or tree plantations are developed, and resolve complaints and conflicts, and remediate prior human rights violations through a transparent and accountable grievance mechanism and mutually agreeable dispute resolution process where applicable.

Stacy Flynn, CEO Evrnu

[i] Endangered forests and ecosystems are forests harboring a rich array of biodiversity that have been heavily impacted by human activity; global forest types that are naturally rare and threatened; forested wilderness areas, including those that are rich in species diversity, contain threatened species, or provide critical ecosystem services; and old growth forests that have not previously been subject to commercial logging. For more information on ancient and endangered forests, please go to:

Key endangered forests globally are the Canadian and Russian Boreal Forests; Coastal Temperate Rainforests of British Columbia, Alaska and Chile; Tropical forests and peatlands of Indonesia, the Amazon and West Africa.

[ii] Legal forest management is management that complies with all applicable international, national, and local laws, including environmental, forestry, and civil rights laws and treaties.

[iii] Agricultural Residues are residues left over from food production or other processes and using them maximizes the lifecycle of the fiber. Fibers used for paper products include cereal straws like wheat straw, rice straw, seed flax straw, corn stalks, sorghum stalks, sugar cane bagasse, and rye seed grass straw. Where the LCA (life cycle analysis) shows environmental benefits and conversion of forest land to on purpose crops is not an issue, kenaf can also be included here. Depending on how they are harvested, fibers for fabrics may include flax, soy, bagasse, and hemp. (Agricultural residues are not from on purpose crops that replace forest stands or food crops.)

[vi] See Canopy’s EcoPaper Database FAQ:

[v] Canopy is actively working for protection of the Boreal forests where the largest remaining tracts of forests are located worldwide and dissolving pulp is becoming an increasing threat. Canada’s Boreal Forest contain the largest source of unfrozen freshwater world wide and are part of the world’s largest terrestrial carbon sink – equivalent to 26 years worth of global fossil fuel use. Canopy is committed to working collaboratively on the establishment of new protected areas, the protection of endangered species and the implementation of sustainable harvesting in Canada’s Boreal Forest.

[vi] Where conservation solutions are finalized we will consider sourcing from the Great Bear Rainforest, located in coastal temperate rainforests that originally covered 0.2% of the planet, and where now less than 25% of the original forests remain. The 2006 Great Bear Rainforest Agreements signed between environmentalists, logging companies, First Nations and the British Colombia Government includes the creation of a new land management regime called Ecosystem-Based Management that includes more than 4.9 million acres (2 million hectares) protected from logging and new lighter touch logging regulations applied outside of protected areas. All stakeholders have now agreed and efforts are underway to have governments fully implement the agreement by 2015.

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